Friday, October 30, 2009

Staying Home!!

I did it! I finally did it! I put my foot down!

I told the Hubby I did NOT want to go out of town again this weekend.
We have as much work done as we can possibly do until the day of the auction.....


 And YES, I got up and shoveled that shit just for the shitty ass parents that bitch kids to get to the door today....WHY?

So the parents could call me 45 minutes AFTER they were to be here and let me know they were not coming! BAH! I could have slept in......

But, we are staying home!! 12 weekends away from home in a row.....I am so ready to chill, but alas that won't happen either...

I am rearranging my entire house!! Anyone can come help, but I may not remember it until after the holidays....heheh, I stocked up on Vegas Bombs!

 OH YEA !!

A big hello to Mrsblogalot ! Great blog you got over there.....And if you check out my reading list you will see I have added a few new ones
Gypsy Nurse  and  this  one made me laugh......Go check out Andy and tell her I sent you!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vegas Bombs are Flowing Freely

FML.......Yep, that's about all I have to say right now........
For those of you who have not been keeping up with the saga here.....get off your lazy ass and read the last few entries on here we are trying to prepare a house and all its contents for auction. In a relatively short amount of time....

And see how as this house is not in the same town as we are, it makes for tough working on the weekends...EVERY weekend!

So while there are 8 kids, 5 are only interested in ransacking the house....1 lives very, very far away, 1 lives 20 miles away, and we live 150 miles away. So every weekend we have several of us here. We decided that it was best to work on one room at a time.....NOT!! Those other 5???? Well they go to the office go through all the desk drawers, take out what they want, go to the next room, ransack the closets, take what they want, go to the family room, haul out a few boxes.......TO THEIR VEHICLES.....and go home. Leaving their hurricane aftermass to us to clean up...

Ummm, the Auction is November 7th, leaving us to push every minute we have to be ready. Now the realtor wants to have open houses.....Okay, I undertand the need for that. But now I am left with 3 days to have the house ready for an open house~~~ FML....right?

My SIL gets this bright idea.....She says "Hey how about you and I both take the week of the 12th through the 17th off and we can stay here at the house and work and get it all ready?" Good idea...I had to work on Monday, but cleared the rest of the week, okay we can do it in 4 days, no problem. Wrong...She has to work Monday and Tuesday, both 12 hour days. Okay I will come up Tuesday night, we can still do it! No she wants to wait now til Wednesday morning to start.......Oi Vey! Ok....Will do.

I get up early today, drive 2 hours to get here. She had just arrived, we are ready to start. Work good for 2 hours.....Oops, she has to stop for 3:00 she grabs up her stuff and says "come on, I have to work and you can hang out at my house with my hubby tonight, we will come back in the morning."

All I could do was stare at her and think WTF??

I told her no and so far this afternoon and evening, I have all the curtains washed and rehung, windows washed, all the upstairs walls washed,ceiling fans and light fixtures cleaned. Got the office cleaned out, 3 desks emptied, sorted and boxed. Carpet vacuumed and half of it shampooed. One bedroom completely finished and carpets done in there. Still want to get the upstairs bathroom done tonight and finish boxing up the kitchen. Tomorrow I can start on the downsatirs. I say "I can start" because guess what??? Yep she has to work tomorrow too! I should have just came up Monday night. If I am staying here alone I might as well have got the whole week of quiet time and physical exercise!

But I did bring enough Vegas Bombs to last the entire week.....for two!

Anyone want to come share??

P.S. What size batteries does the Queen need? (heheheh)

Friday, October 9, 2009


Some days it just doesn't pay
To try and help you along life's way.
Why is that you dare to say?
Someone will surely have to pay.

I think you woke with your brain confused
Did you forget to turn off snooze?
Your thought process is set on cruise
I think that  it's from to much booze!

Find your glasses, read the fine print
For it is there you will find the hint
That surely will show his true intent
Is nothing more than your wallet to dent.

If you must do it your way
Go ahead is all I can say.
For in your bed you'll have to lay
And I will get last laugh today!

When your feathers he starts to pluck
And you begin to feel your failing luck.
Remember that I told you to duck
And you to told me to take a flying F***

Some days it just doesn't pay
To try and help you along life's way.

 I am not a poet........yes I know it.......
if you don't like it.......BLOW IT !!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I am so glad to see everyone getting back into blogging!! Makes my morning coffee so much better with good reading, except of course when I spit my coffee at my monitor and keyboard......Thanks for that Queenie.

We are still busy going out of town every weekend.....I am really tired of that already, I don't think the work will ever be done.

T has been so busy being his Mom's Personal Representative that he really has not had time to grieve at is wearing hard on him and we all know what happens then.....yep, shit runs downhill and I have to catch and bag!

He has decided to put both houses, the car and all personal property into an Estate Auction......He says it is not worth the money to list the properties with Realtors, run ads for everythng......He does not want to take care of two empty houses all winter. Can't say that I blame him there.....

But where so we draw the line??? Ma had a good chunk of change in investments and stocks (not enough to let me be a SAHM unfortunately), the two houses combined are worth a little over 200 grand. The car books for 16,400, and then we still have the property in Branson to try and get rid of.....UCK! A time share no less!!

We did take all of the dress clothes hanging in all 5 closets to the local YMCA, thought it would be nice to help those women dress for success! And donated both newspaper subscriptions to the public schools, all the magazines and craft items went to the local Veterans hospital. And believe it or not.....

Ma had been saving empty prescription bottles for 3 years!!!  WTF??? is all I could think of......then I found out that those bottles get reused for Veterans!!!!!  What a great idea to help cut the costs of their meds!! Yep those got donated too.

So we choose to auction every thing and take a financial loss on all of it basically.....Except that there are the 5 step brothers......they are to share in the sale of the small house.....they don't want to auction it. Nor do they want to be responsible for it while it sits empty. 4 of the 5 are closer than we are! But according to Ma's will, Tory has to sell it in a timely manner.

What the hell is timely??

How long should he wait?? I have never had to go through anything this extensive, any ideas or thoughts would be helpful.... But bring them on quickly......
I been scratching my head so much it is starting to bleed and my branin is oozing out!!!!

For now I think I will just keep on drinking...... CHEERS!

Friday, September 18, 2009

For All of Us Who have ever Grieved

Don't tell me that you undestand
Don't tell me that you know.
Don't tell me that I will survive,
How I will surely grow.

Don't tell me this is just a test,
That I am truly blessed,
That I am chosen for this task,
Apart from all the rest.

Don't come at me with answers
That can only come from me,
Don't tell me how my grief will pass
That I will soon be free.

Don't stand in pious judgment
Of the bounds I must untie,
Don't tell me how to suffer,
And don't tell me how to cry.

My life is filled with selfishness,
My pain is all I see,
But I need you, I need your love,

Accept me in my ups and downs,
I need someone to share,
Just hold my hand and let me cry,
And say, "my friend, I care."

Author: Joanette Hendel

Monday, September 14, 2009

Anything for Ma

As many of you know....I have always said I have the greatest in laws evah!!

And who knew that 2 short years could make such a difference in someone's health.....

Well we lost one of those great people last month.....hubby's ma passed away.....left an unrepairable hole in our hearts.

Ma always told us she was the World's Greatest Procrastinator...and she was right!!!
For the last month we have been shredding receipts and canceled checks from 1984 to present!
And it will take us a very long time to get every thing done.....

I have a few things to say to ma, so excuse me while I write her a letter........

Dear Ma,
We love and miss you very much....would you please come back and finish the tasks you had started, well not really started yet, but planned on doing some day? You know how you said that when you inherited grandma's house that you were getting rid of all her "stuff" except heirloom pieces? Well, I would never call you a liar, but you really procrastinated that one! Really Ma? Her clothes are still here! You decorated the house with all your own things....around hers!

Remember when you lost your husband 8 years ago? Ma, he had 5 sons! I know at the time you were not ready to give them his things, I know you wanted him with you still. You missed him...but Ma! we are now going thru his clothes, collectibles, personal items......Ma, you still have his TEETH!

Remember how you promised us kids that you would have everything clearly lined up for your death? Ok, I understand that didn't feel well enough to do those things.

You told us your Will was very specific.....yep.....gotcha! you named a Personal Representative. Good job Ma.......Guess who has to walk him through every step? Every decision? Every appointment? And yes, every phone call? You knew I would, you depended on me, and you know I will be there every step of the way.

Now would you please give me a little more guidance than the Damn lamp playing.......
or at least hit the medium setting on the lamp once in a while so I could chalk it up to a short in the damn thing? Because I can't get it to jump from low to high to low and back to off without going through the medium setting also!

And leave the radio alone!!! I know you always had it on, but I shut it off!!! Please leave it that way! My heart breaks every time I walk into the room and it turns itself on.....

But guess what Ma? I am still learning from you!! 1. A single person does NOT need a 5 bedroom is to easy to fill up! 2. Rental houses do not need to be 4 bedroom for extra income, that is a whole family we have to move out to sell that house! 3. Yes there were a total of 10 siblings between the step, biological and other side of the family...and yes everyone was so amazed that all 10 were present at your funeral, but yep, there is always one that has to be an Ass, and guess what? you were right when you told us which one it would be!

Ma, I love and miss you so much!!!!! And I am a strong person and I know you have always depended on that from me, but damn it......This is the biggest challenge you have given me yet....I only hope I have the strength to do it right, and see to it that the kids all stay close after it is all done!

With All my Love,
Your First and Most Favorite Daughter-in-Law

P.S. Where is the loan papers on the car? And would you send us a buyer for your 2007 Camry with only 6600 miles on it?? yea, the one in the garage that you didn't feel well enough to buy plates for...... :(

And a big Thank You to all those who have sent cards, messages and kind thoughts and words through all of this!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Long Month

Wow it has been a busy month.......

Our Vegas trip was wonderful, but wayyy to long! 8 days in Vegas will wear anyone out! The good news is that we won enough money to gamble on for the whole week on the first day we were there. That is always a plus!

Bluesfest was awesome.....4 days of camping with great friends and fabulous music!

I have pictures somewhere, will try to find a couple to add at the end of this blog....

And for those of you who know the Queen.....well, I had to do her a favor and flip off all of her ex family that showed up at was I to know who they all were????? Had to think on that one, but I figured out a way to make sure they all knew her sentiments......Think I got it??

Vegas trip picture

Hope you all had a Great July, I know I did!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Nope, I haven't forgotten about blogging! I have been so busy.......

My youngest earned the right to compete at Nationals for Phi Beta Lambda, so we have been getting him ready for his trip to Anaheim. He left this morning, and I am hoping he does well and has fun! Soon it will be time to pack him up for College and he is going to Wayne State this year, so I will officially be the "empty nester".

I have always thought I would be glad when my kids were grown because Hubby and I could do the things we wanted to do then......but damn every weekend this summer has something going on....oh yea, it's the things we want to do!!!!

The Fourth of July is fast approaching and that is one of our biggest holidays of the year. So we are getting every thing ready for that.

Currently we are in the middle of Nebraskaland Days, so we went to 2 concerts, 2 rodeos, a roping practice, and golf this week.....See, I told you we have been busy!

We still have to make a trip to see MIL this weekend, then run an over night trip to the lake for Father's Day, Next weekend is the Hubby's Birthday, so we have some celebrating with friends to do then, the following weekend is July 4th, the next weekend we will take the camper and go to Bluesfest for 3 days.

Got the idea yet??? Well there is more!

Family camping trip with the kids and grand kids, week and a half in Vegas! And ending the summer the last weekend in August with hubby's 30 year class reunion!

But I will get back to share all of our hang with me guys......

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ok, I have OFFICIALLY decided it is time to get my fat old lazy ass in gear and back into shape!

I can keep up with four grand kids at the park, 8 daycare monsters children at home, in the yard or at the park. But two dogs kick my ass???? WTF?

I ask everyone in the house to go for a walk with me and take the dogs......BAH....that's not happening!

But they are so full of energy and I haven't had time to take them to the bark park to run!!! I know... my fault.

In the summer I like to walk them, in the winter I am lazy and just haul them to the local bark park and let them manners there, just go do as they please.....when they are wore out I load em up and bring em home. Easy-Peasy.

Sooo, time to think about this....I could go for 2 walks, and take them one at a time.....NAH. Bad idea, if I go out the door with one I would not have anything more than kindling wood for a front door when I got back. And I really have no desire to replace my front door.

Ok you lazy assholes family members....I WILL DO IT MYSELF! Yea, I can be a baby when I don't get my way at times. Who doesn't?

Now before I tell you about my adventure with walking the dogs, I have to tell you a little about them......

Ozzy (So named because he has the attention span of Ozzy Osbourne) is Great Dane/Australian Shepperd cross. Weighs in at just over 100 pounds. he is my ADD dog, no, take that back...ADHD fits him better.

Schatzi ( Such a sweet heart) is lazy, laid back, likes to lay in your lap kind of dog. She is a one year old (barely) Saint Bernard. At her one year check up she weighed in at 135 pounds.

Now, keep in mind that they have not been on leashes since last summer, and with them being young that is not so cool I have decided.....

I have taught my dogs the house, in the yard all is good. They do listen and do as they are told. Ummm.....I think we need to work on wide open spaces.....

Those little fuckers forgot my voice....forgot who the Alpha Leader was.....and begged me to take them to the fucking local animal shelter!!!!

They were so excited when I pulled out the leashes and Gentle Leaders. Oh yea, I can should be able to walk them both with the Gentle Leaders.

They sat perfectly still while I got them all prepared to go. Out the door we head....all is well. They are loving this and so am I. I am so awesome walking down the street with over 200 pounds of dog.....

5 blocks from home.....Ozzy spots a cat! And he's all like "Ummmm, Mom look there's a critter for me to play with!!!! What is that thing? It is so little and so fast! Mom, I gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!"

About that time....The Gentle Leaders collar snaps apart and now I am hanging on to him with just the leash, yea I was smart enough to hook the leash on his regular collar and the Gentle Leaders collar.

Command time....he knows his commands.....OZZY, STAY!!!
again.....OZZY, STAY!!!
again, nothing....

Oh, but SURPRISE, Schatzi loves that command.....PLOP goes her fat ass.

So now I have one trying to drag me across the street to get a cat that I have no idea where it went....And one that has decided she is tired and want s to STAY.

Ever try to get a donkey off his ass and lead him when he doesn't want to go? While trying to hold a horse on a lead who wants to run?

Yep, I am sure the whole neighborhood got a good my expense!

Hey, But I am not one to give up!!!! I am not a quitter, I tell myself that I am getting them to the car and hauling them both to the local animal shelter and dropping them off. I am so pissed off.
No, I was more than pissed.....

Now I barely have Ozzy's leash in the tip of my fingers....I have to do something and fast! I could not let him get away from me! Think Damn it! think!

I drop Schatzi's leash and use my free hand to grab Ozzy. ummm, by the ear!
Grabbed his big ass tail with the other hand...GOT HIM! He is going nowhere.....I straddle him like a horse and squeeze with my knees to hold him......get him so that he is once again at least hearing this point he realizes that he is in deep shit......BAD OZZY

He lowers his head and drops to his belly on the ground......ashamed of his actions.

I am so exhausted that I plopped my lazy ass on the ground with them....

Ok, I am calling home and telling Hubby to come get us with the car......

SHIT, Where the fuck is my cell phone??
At home, go figure.....fml.

So I am sitting on the sidewalk with both dogs, talking to them....yep, the whole neighborhood is watching. Not helping mind you...watching.

What a conversation:
ME: Ozzy what the hell were you thinking?
O: Mom, what was it? I want one!
ME: Ozzy, (in my most patient voice) We need to go home now. Can you be a good boy?
ME: Ozzy pay attention to me.
O: (with his ears standing straight up and tail going crazy) MOM, I WANT ONE !
SCHATZI: This is cool, I like laying here......
ME: Ozzy, Look at me, we have to go home now and you HAVE TO BE A GOOD BOY, okay? Can you do that?
SCHATZI: Hey Oz, doin good man, keep it up so I can rest a while okay?
ME: Okay guys, time to go.

I stand up, replace Ozzy's Gentle Leader and give them command.....HEEL.

HaHaHa.....Ozzy sits up, Schatzi stays laying on the ground.....again....fml.

I finally convince Schatzi that we have to go and we make the 5 blocks home without further incident, thankfully.
We got home and get in the house, Hubby has the balls to asks me where we went that took and HOUR AND 8 MINUTES!
When I told him we went 5 FUCKING blocks and back he laughed his ass off, went and got treats for the dogs and told them how good they were!!!

For a while I will be walking, lifting weights, and walking the dogs one at a time!!!! Mr. Laughs-His-Ass Off can replace the door!

When they are trust worthy, I will take them both at one time again (call me stupid).
Until then the neighbors will have to humor themselves at someone else's expense!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yes, I Stole This

Yes, I stole this from something circulating via E-mail, But ya know what? I absolutely love it! It is 100% true and I am not a poet. I could not write a poem if my life depended on it. Thankfully there are those who can and do, and are willing to share them with us brain lazy people who don't even care to try it!

Happy Mother's Day to my children and my hubby, without them I would not have such a wonderful day of forcing them all to be my slaves being treated so special!

Before I was a Mom,

I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn' t worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom,

I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn ' t want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn ' t stop the hurt.

I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much..

I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom,
I didn ' t know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn ' t know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn ' t know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn ' t know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn ' t know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom .

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


What is the first thing you think of when a male teacher or administrator takes a female child away from school in their personal vehicle without parental permission?

Would that thought be different if it were a female teacher with a male child?

Keep in mind that I am referring to GRADE school children.....What is the thought now???

If an administrator has a Doctorate are you required to call them Dr. or is Mr., Mrs., Miss okay?

Looking back, I see a few mistakes made on both sides..... I did not address her as mistake.

Taking my grandson, Sir Talks-a-Lot, out of school without permission....her mistake.
In her personal vehicle......her mistake.
To his home and going inside the house when no one was home.....her mistake.
On more than one occasion....her mistake.

Now I can be a reasonable person, when it comes to me....When it comes to my children or grand kids....not reasonable....

Lucky for her I was not the one handling the situation. Para stepped in.....not sure that was good either, but she thought it through.....

She called the principle ask her why she did it and ask her not to do it again.....

The FREAKING woman called her petty and told her it was no big deal....her mistake.

So Para called the School Superintendent, told him of the happenings and ask him to talk to Dr principle. He said "No big deal".....His mistake.

Pissed off Para + her child's well being = Police Department

Report taken seriously by them! The Officer entered the school and let Dr. Principle know that IF she left the school with child again, charges would be filed. If she entered home again uninvited, charges would be filed. IF she stepped on said property, charges would be filed.

Pissed off Dr. Principle + revenge = Child Protective Services

3:20 P.M. and they show up at the door!!! Para told them to make themselves at home, she was leaving to pick up kids from school!

Turns out that 3 weeks before this all happened Sir Moves-a-lot had a split lip, Nurse ask him about it, checked with Sir Talks-a-lot and deemed the boys were playing and it happened. never told mom that they were even concerned about it. 3 weeks later that's the excuse for CPS!!!

Well, CPS worker would not confirm that it was the good Dr that called it in, but she did tell Para how to file harassment charges with the court against the caller.....and sent a letter of dismissal of complaint..... makes ya go hmmmmm, right?

So here goes Granny Nanny to the school.....Spittin Fire....First person I see, yep Sir Talks-a-lot...he begs Grammin not to go in there. he says there is only a couple weeks left and he does not want to deal with her. Smart kid.....I didn't have bail money anyway!

Guess we will have to wait and see the outcome!

How would YOU handle this situation???? WITHOUT a SHOTGUN???

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Okay, so you all know about my brother coming to live with me.....I have to tell you all that I am so happy! He has done well. Learning quickly how to clean, cook, do laundry and be self sufficient (still working on keeping money on hand).

We are still working on social skills, but they are coming along nicely. He has learned how to control the relationship with his mother without giving up on it. He is now able to keep her guilt trips and button pushing to a bare minimum, he is ok with hanging up the phone when she tries, and he is controlling his anger very well.

So the next logical step is.......YEA, I am so excited......yep, we found him his own apartment!!!!

Imagine my surprise when he comes to me with "Sis, will you help me move?"
HELL YEA, I will! And will do it happily! The last 5 months have been a blessing in disguise for me, but let me tell you, this is a happy moment in our lives!!!!

So this weekend I will be busily helping him move, set up and decorate his own place.

Come Saturday evening.....I told the son he has to endure my celebrationleave the house and not come home til the next day, as I will be celebrating by dancing nekkiddrinking Vegas Bombs and ok, what the hell, I may even dance nekkid in my UNshared home, unless someone comes to drink with me!!


Ohhh, I so had to try this when I got this it so yummy, excellent for PMS, Grouches, Depression, and general SHITTY days!

Turn this in to.........THIS!!!

4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well..
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
EAT ! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).

Friday, April 17, 2009


Whoop Ass can be purchased at Gary's Super Foods in NP, 2/$1.00. But sucks to drink!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It is my turn to rant!! I am offended and yes, even ANGRY. So if you are not in the mood for a temper tantrum.....go away NOW !

Okay Mr Boss....You called me! yea, you wanted a meeting with me! So I come at your beckon call....on MY time.....yea, I don't even get paid to listen to your bull shit!

First of all YOU set the time and date....I was 5 minutes early and had to wait 15 minutes for you! I am busy and had to pay someone else to take care of my "other" business while I sit and wait for your ass!

Then you tell me that YOU are not happy that you had to pay me for 120 hours worth of work in 2 weeks!! Asshole, your the one who set the installation schedule for the stores! And you tell me this stuff all has to be ready to send to the registers on time!! You think that shit does itself??? To the tune of over 3000 products/flavors/sizes/UPC codes at an average of 20+ vendors per store, and you have 21 stores!

And YOU also wanted to make sure all the specials/sales were in and ready including costs, retails, and start/stop dates?

When the FUCK was I supposed to do all that? On my own time?! NOT

And now you think to control my hours you want me to come to YOUR office to do the same work and limit the hours to 5P.M. to 10 P.M. Monday through Friday???

You want me to sit in a locked office after hours and work for you?! And lock up the same said office (that just happens to sit on a dark alley) after 10 P.M.? NOT HAPPENING

You want me to be AWAY from my family every night of the week while you go home to your family?
You want to sit at the supper table for dinner every night while I sit in an empty office and munch at a desk? Or eat after 10P.M.? NOT HAPPENING

You set up this whole off site employment shit when I walked out on you....and then worked for another 30 days.....

You are the one who told me I would not have a job when I returned if I left when my Father was dying.....TOUGH SHIT....I left any way.....and you still had me working when I returned...Yea, you were an ASS and docked my SALARY PAY, and made me use vacation pay for those THREE days!

You are the one who didn't see fit to increase my SALARY PAY when I worked 10 summers straight without a day off from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

You are the one to refuse to send help after I caught and reported your "best employee ever" stealing from the company in huge quantities...leaving the store short on help. And for that, I received what kind of bonus????

Oh yea, I you???? I worked 35 hours a store in the worst part of town!!! Remember that ASSHOLE!!! No breaks to eat, smoke or even sit! That is OVER 4 straight 8 hours shifts! Remember what I got paid for that??? MY SALARY PAY! Yea, I remember....

Now you want to control the hours I work? FUCK YOU

I am 5 stores ahead of your stupid installation schedule.....did you realize that before you went off on my ass? NO

You think you can do the work in less time....HAHA Try it!

Do you realize that I had been with this company 7 years before you were hired? Do you care? Well neither do I.

Remember the day you came into the store I was working and decided it was okay to scream at me in front of customers? Yea, the day I decided to scream back.....You told me if I didn't like the way you did things I should start my own business......So I DID!

And it has been running fantastically for 7 years now.....

The only reason I work for you is because I don't have to see you and it pays the taxes on MY business!

But I don't want need your shit!!!

And if You would bother to look at who is logged into your servers and when they are logged in you would see that I cut you a MAJOR break on those hours!!! DUMB ASS

And thanks to another crazy bitch(said with a smile) blogger I have a new name for you.....FUCKTARD!!!!

Fire my ass if you want, but you will not get the work done.....not the right way.....
Go hire some ditz off the street and see where that gets you....You might get to feel big, but the work will not get done!!! Not the way you want it done....

So now instead of telling me you will get back to me in a couple days about my job, maybe you should hope I don't tell you to TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Hoping you all have a wonderful holiday filled with family, fun, and good times! The Grandkids colored Easter eggs yesterday for the bunny to hide, and bright and early this morning the hunt was on!
Cooking started early in our house and as the smells of holiday foods filled the house, the men entertained the little ones, the women ( Para and I ) cooked, and laughed and took pictures.

Little Para decided that everyone was playing hide and seek with the eggs and no one wanted to share with her so she had to play hide and seek by herself.....where's the baby???

There she is .....yep, BEHIND the backer's rack!!!!

Now everyone is done eating, the little ones and the guys are napping and later tonight it will be time for some family games.

I hope we all remembered to take time to teach our children the reason for Easter other than the whole Bunny/Egg theme, and may we all be so blessed as to have someone special to share the day with!

God Bless you All!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Eagles State Pool

Well, it's over for another year, but we had a drunkfest blast! My Mister Proper Hubby even managed to have a good time! He tried to get us kicked out of the hotel by riding our drunk asses all over the hotel on luggage racks like little kids....

And we made tons of noise in our rooms as well had a full block of 20 rooms, and most of them were adjoining rooms. And we all got to try out and sniff about the wonderful scents of Victoria's Secret.....ummm, no, not posting those pics......But take my word for was FUN!

And after trashing all our senses, and finishing off 1.75 liters of Vegas Bomb mix, a case of red bull and a couple cases of beer we all managed somehow to end up in our own rooms!

Wow did we pay the next day! Ever try to shoot pool at 8 A.M.? With a hangover from hell no less? So, what to do....DRINK MORE!
And oh yeah, Use every advantage you can to win.....

So okay, they wouldn't let me use the ten foot cue, but would you like to shoot against a couple bitches sweet little ladies who look like this?
Come about 4 P.M. we were more than ready for a nap.....
But after a little siesta at the table it was out to the vehicles for pudding shots, jello shots, and cheesecake shots.....and we were ready to go again!! Hey we still had another day to shoot and two more nights to party! And that we did....Most of the pics turned out to be kick ass funny, but not presentable for a "Granny Blog", forgive me.....

So now its life as usual for another year and next year will be even better...tournament will be here in town next year.....maybe we should find a hotel room reeeaally close to the event center huh? Or we could just walk home....nah

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stuck in an elevator with My Husband

Plinky Answer #2

My Husband
We have both been so busy with work we need some "US" time. Perfect setting, privacy, no jobs, kids or TV, hopefully no cell phone service! Would be an awesome few hours!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Blog world has lost a great funny man.....

Good Bye TNO, your humor will be missed, thanks for making so many of us laugh.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Uggh, where to start?

Well, first off I am the type of person who usually speaks my mind. If I am upset at someone, they are usually the first to know....not to say that I don't tell others I am upset, but if it's at you, I WILL tell you!

Just to kind of set the scene...We go out of town once a year for a very fun weekend. That weekend is coming up and because it is a pleasure weekend I do not use household finances to fund it. I save for it. A few bucks saved at the grocery store? Put it back for fun money...I do this for months.

I had been doing this and took those funds to the bank, got $400 in twenties. Stuck it in my purse. You know those little envelopes they put money in at the bank? Yep, left it in that....stuck it right in between my wallet and checkbook...forgot it.

Next day we were going to a get-together at a friends house. Was about 15 of us there. Had a great time! Ask one of my friends (a friend of many years) to grab my camera from my purse, it was right on top. She ask which purse was mine as there were 7 of them sitting on top of a freezer together. no problem, got the camera, took tons of great pics.

On Monday I decided to take that money out and put it away.....oops, WTH did I do with it? Oh, here is the little envelope! WTF there was 4 twenty dollar bills in it!!!!! What happened to the other 16 bills???? No, I did not get drunk and spend them....

Well, most of the people there spent the entire evening outside by the fire pit, wandering in and out for food and drinks. A few spent the majority of the evening inside. One person spent the entire evening sitting between the table and the freezer....yep the freezer with all the purses on it. Same said person borrowed money from me two weeks in a row prior to that evening. Same person called me that very Saturday and ask what I was taking for a food dish and commented that she had no money to take anything. I told her no problem, I would bring 2 dishes, one for her and one for myself. Same person happened to be the one I ask to retrieve my camera from my purse. Same person was at the bar 4 nights the following week, yep, the one night I was there she was buying my drinks....pulled out a bunch of 20's. Silly me, I ask how she got rich so was 3 days before her payday! Oh yea, she got her income taxes back. Boy was I suckered!

Long story short, I called could not shake the feeling that she STOLE $320 dollars out of my purse. I called her and ask her to come over, I needed to talk to her and it had to be in person, not on the phone. It took 3 calls and two weeks but she finally came over.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to confront a FRIEND about that shit??? Well of course she denied it, so guess I will blame myself for not removing it sooner, but I told her not to come back to me for help because I will NOT be available for her ever again!

HA! She just called and ask me to help her with her taxes!!! Thought they were already done and back!!??
I soooo feel the need for revenge....but alas, I digress. She has children and the trickle down effect of my actions would be unfair to all others that it would effect. Therefore, I am ranting here!!

But hey, my fun weekend is coming soon and I have prepared well enough that I am STILL going to have a blast!! Hope to have pics to post when I get back.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I am obviously fairly new at blogging and often have no ideas of what to blog about. Most of my writing is personal experiences, but how much of that is 'to much' to put out there for the world?

Needless to say, when it comes to ideas I am not the brightest bulb in the pack, nor am I the comedian, I am not the creative artistic genius that I would so love to be. So I set forth to see what draws people to other people's blogs...I visited Google and found that I can Google blogs! Interestingly, I can Google by key words, You know, just type in any random word and see what is offered up.

There are strange blogs, funny blogs that make you pee your pants, serious blogs that make you want to cry, blogs that make you spit your drink at the screen, and blogs from people who seem as normal as you and I. I see where people blog for money, wow would I every starve to death with that job!

But I have found blogs that are only open to invite readers. Okay, thats cool, I have no problem there. It makes my mind wonder about all the reasons they would do that. I know there are hundreds of reasons, using a blog for a person diary and the therapy that comes with putting emotions into words. Using a blog to do, show, or say things that you want to stay anonymous with (shame on you?). A blog could be for family members only to stay in touch, a type of letter writing. All of these are okay if that's what you want.

And then I think of my own accounts on the computer...and I have to say hmmmm. I am one of those people I guess, just not quite in the same way.
I have a blogger account, twitter account, plinky account, Google account, Yahoo 360 account, myspace account, facebook account, I use MSN instant messenger, Yahoo instant messenger and I have a profile on everyone of those accounts. Some are private, some are not. Why? I really have no idea. My hubby and kids know of all of them. So why are some private and not others?

I guess my Mother has been left out of knowing about some of them, my brother knows of them, but not how to get to them, all of my friends and close family can get to any of them, so why are some private? I really can't tell you or even myself for that matter. It makes me feel as though I have an "underwear drawer" so to speak. You know, the nice little "hiding spot" for all your goodies at home. Yea, thats it...the first place anyone would look for something hidden (chuckle).

I guess it is just kind of like having a drivers license in my wallet. I know it's there, you know it's there, all tucked away but not visible to any one unless I take it out and show it off. Available to use whenever I want, for whatever reason....
What do you use your accounts for and how public are you with them?

Monday, March 9, 2009


After my last post I got to thinking and decided I did need some time off!! Last minute decision....Hubby and I ran away for the weekend! It was wonderful! We loaded up and went to visit my Mother in Law. Had a terrific, totally relaxing and wonderful weekend. So first thing this morning it was back to work, business as usual and totally exhausting!

Is it the weekend yet? I am ready to do it again.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Am Not Really AWOL

I swear I am not AWOL! I don't think many of you know it but I have a part time job other than the daycare. Yep, I spend 3 evenings a week extending and retailing invoices for a local convenience store chain. Well by local I mean we they have 22 stores across 2 states. So with growth comes change. The stores are receiving scanners. No big deal right? WRONG.

I thought my job would be ending when the conversion took place. WRONG again. Now the big job is getting all the information into place to send to the registers in all the stores. Piece of cake! NOT

I guess I never really realized how much information those little scanners need. I never paid much attention to the little UPC codes on EVERY product. On EVERY flavor and EVERY size. Do you have any idea how many flavors of 20 ounce Cokes there are? or Frito lay products? I could go on forever......

Bottom line is I opened my mouth and offered to help, you know make a few extra bucks to help pay for college for steele_shadow. A little spending money to toss his way.....Well, I jumped in with both feet and pulled a whopping 59 hours this last week. Only to find out that we are not even close to having the 58 price books we have created close to being ready for the out of town stores!!!

I have hired help to come in and help me with the daycare as that is a full time job in itself. So you see I really am not AWOL, I have been uberly BUSY! Oh yea, I take 15 minutes every morning to make my rounds and read up on every one, and I try to make it back in the evening just before I plop my ass into go to bed. So, I hope you miss me while I am away, but remember I will be back, I promise hope.

Oh Yea, before I forget.....The Real Life Fairy Tale Princess made me something very special. Now if this dummy can figure out how to get it, you will all be in for a real treat. She does some AWESOME graphics work and I am so hoping you can all go check her out for all your graphics needs! Stop back by when I figure this out and check out my new layout!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Help Spread the Word

Heres hoping everyone had a fun Valentine's Day. I know I had a great time, dinner and a play at the local theater. We went to see "Hello Dolly' and it was wonderful. I had forgotten over the years how much I enjoyed dramatic acting.

Now on a much more serious note....

My niece who lives in Wichita Kansas is facing the trauma of watching one of her best friends die a slow and painful death. At 16 this is very troubling and traumatic for her. I would like to share the email I received from her.

Hi everybody. Let me begin by saying I don't normally send e-mails requesting help, but in this case, I'm using all means to get the help that I so badly
need. My friend Gabi Swank is dieing. She is a victim of a crime, but at this time there is no crime on the books that we can charge the murderer with.
Please I'm asking all of you to go to this link and read about my friend Gabi. Gabi is one of
my best friends. We've known each other since we were in the same gymnastic classes before we entered Kindergarten. We've played softball together for years and looked forward to our high school years together at South High. Please read Gabi's story and please sign the petition at this site. We need 30,000.00 signatures on this petition before the United States Government will even begin thinking about investigating. Please read the story of my best friend and then sign the petition.

I love you all, Ty

Please take the time to review the links and watch the videos. Cervical cancer IS curable with early detection. Pap Smears ARE very important in the lives of women and we all need to teach our daughters the importance of these annual exams. Vaccines ARE important and have helped our society tremendously, however we MUST weigh the risks associated with them. We have to ask ourselves "Is this the right vaccine, or do we wait for further testing on a new vaccine?"

Gabi's Story In Her Mother's Words

Gabrielle’s Gardasil Vaccine Reaction
by Shannon, her Mom
December 2008

Gabi received three Gardasil shots in November 2007 and February and June 2008.

Gabi was a healthy, strong teenage girl prior to her first shot of Gardasil. She was the epitome of the All-American girl…beautiful, smart, and caring with a heart of gold. She was a varsity and competitive All-Star cheerleader, gymnast, Honor Roll student involved in leadership and sang in a Bel Canto Choir at her high school.

Gabi had taken a vow to wait for the man she would spend the rest of her life with and she had many dreams she was going to fulfill before she got married. There is cervical cancer in our family and we both wanted to do everything possible to protect her from getting cervical cancer someday. That is why we decided to have her get the series of Gardasil shots.

Immediately following her first shot of Gardasil, her arm went numb and remained that way for several minutes. Within a week of receiving her first shot, Gabi’s life began to change.

On December 4, 2007, she experienced the first of many symptoms involving severe muscle fatigue. Gabi began developing conditions that were unexplainable: excessive fatigue; headaches; muscle weakness and pain; joint weakness and pain; a rash that resembled a sunburn; loss of concentration; and numbness and tingling in her hands and feet. During this time we were completely unaware that these things were side-effects of her recent Gardasil shot.

Still not knowing what was going on with Gabi’s body, she received her 2nd vaccine in February 2008. Immediately following this shot, her symptoms got worse. Her grades started dropping. She became more irritable. Her condition deteriorated. She began to “shiver” for no apparent reason.

The doctors started looking for answers and giving us conflicting advice like she needed to condition her body more, she needed to slow down or she was a normal teenager. We were at a loss. She had been a gymnast since she was four years old and had been in perfect health and shape.

In June 2008 Gabi reminded me that she needed to get the 3rd shot in the Gardasil series. I scheduled her appointment and took her in for that last shot, both of us convinced we were doing something that was going to save her from getting a horrible disease someday.

Again, immediately following the shot her arm went numb. This time, she complained that she was dizzy.

In the weeks following, Gabi’s condition progressively got worse. She spent more time feeling sick and without feeling in her hands and feet. She was swelling in her face, hands and feet when she woke up in the morning and would stay that way for several hours. Her menstrual cycles had become extremely heavy and irregular. Gabi began losing hair by the handfuls. Her body ached the majority of the time. The doctors could give us no explanation except that she was a typical teenage girl and probably needed to cut back on her activities.

In September 2008, Gabi collapsed from an episode of severe chest pains and shortness of breath. She insisted that it was because she had overworked herself at the gym. Two days later she collapsed with the same symptoms: severe chest pains and shortness of breath. She once again made light of it, thinking it was nothing more than dehydration from an intense workout at the gym.

Two days later we were driving her to a football game where she was supposed to cheerlead when she began complaining the she couldn’t breathe and was in severe pain in her chest. We rushed her to the emergency room, for the first on many trips to the hospital. They examined her thoroughly and, despite the rapid, irregular heart beat and low oxygen levels, they sent her home saying that they had no explanation as to why my daughter was exhibiting heart attack like symptoms.

Gabi was seen a total of four more times at the hospital the same weekend, with the same result. This was just the beginning of a horrific battle to try and get answers as to what was happening to her. It was a painful time of finding someone who was willing to help her and not tell her and me that she was crazy.

Gabrielle’s condition is progressively getting worse. The symptoms she is currently dealing with on a daily basis are as follows:

Excessive fatigue
Loss of concentration
Difficulty with speaking
Memory loss
Muscle weakness and pain
Joint weakness and pain
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Severe headaches
Severe chest pain
Shortness of breath
Difficulty breathing
Nausea and vomiting
Recurring rash
Tingling and burning in hands and feet
Severe sensation of burning throughout the body
Hair loss
Abdominal pain
Partial paralysis
Partial loss of vision
Seizures daily, non-responsive to medication
Transient Ischemic Attacks, or “mini-strokes”

Gabrielle is taking numerous medications several times a day to try and control what is happening to her body. At 15 years old, she is on a beta-blocker for heart problems; aspirin to try and prevent another stroke; medication to help with the severe headaches; and several medications to try and control the seizures. Gabi will tell you that she is a 15 year old girl trapped in the body of an 80 year old woman.

After unsuccessfully attempting to go back to school in wheelchair, Gabi has been out of school since October 2008 with the exception of a few hours here and there trying to go to school. She has been placed on a home-based program. The administration, staff and teachers of her high school have been absolute angels, providing support and help not only academically but personally as well. They have gone above and beyond what we could have ever dreamed of or expected.

Her struggle to maintain passing grades increases daily and she fears that her chance of a college education is slipping away. She has lost almost all social interaction with her friends and has learned a hard lesson about friendship. She knows she has changed and is different but she continues to smile and treat her friends the same even if some of them don’t treat her the same.

Gabrielle is currently under the care of pediatric neurologists. She has been diagnosed with Inflammation of the Central Nervous System as a result of a Gardasil vaccine reaction. Her prognosis is not good. Without a medication or something that can be done to stop or modify what this vaccine is doing to her body, we have been told she will die. The progressive deterioration has been rapid.

We are pleading for help and answers. We pray for a miracle.

Gabrielle has come to terms with the fact that she may not make it. Her hope and prayer is that she will make a difference in the lives of others and keep this from happening to another girl. If you were to ask her if she had the opportunity to ask just one question, what would it be? Her reply would be “WHY?”

Gabi has been robbed of a normal life. She may never have the opportunity to achieve her dreams. I may never get the opportunity to watch her be all she can be as a young woman, a college student, a wife and a Mom. All of this because of a vaccine that was intended to save lives of millions, a vaccine that was “fast-tracked” and lacked long term safety studies.

Thousands of girls are reporting they are suffering side-effects from the Gardasil vaccine. Ask any one of those parents with a daughter suffering if this is what they wanted for their daughter. Ask any one of those parents if they were warned this could happen. Ask any of those parents if they knew they were risking their daughter’s life to possibly avoid getting a cancer that is almost 100 percent preventable with routine pap exams and is 100 percent curable if identified and caught early.

Gabi’s life has been forever changed. Neither of us had the information we should have had before she got vaccinated. Without help Gabi will never have a chance to live the life she so much deserves.

I am asking everyone to look into Gardasil a little further and talk to your Dr. before receiving this vaccine or having it injected into your children.
And please feel free to share Gabby's story with anyone else you know!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Go Back

Found this meme on Fairy Tale Princess Blog. Thought is might be amusing....


Here are the rules:

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 friends or none, as all your friends are sick of your random boring life anyway. At least tag me again though. I won't be tagging anyone specifically, but you're free to do the same thing on your blog (and leave a comment with the link to your post) or just leave a comment with a list of 10 random songs from your MP3 player.
5. Everyone tagged is free to ignore this complete and be a humbug.
6. Have Fun!
Highway To Hell - ACDC
That feels about right for now!

Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw
makes me say Hmmm....

Love Hurts - Nazereth
Well thats Our Favorite!

Tequila Loves Me - Kenny Chesney
Haven't had any yet, but maybe a good idea!

Full Time job - Gretchen Wilson
yup, thats me!

Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' - Journey

Good Woman Blues - Mel Tillis

I Learned How to Love From You - Trace Adkins

Country Comfort - Keith Urban

WHAT IS 2+2?
Special Fred - Stephen Lynch
I gotta figure this one out!

Nobody Drinks Alone - Keith Urban

Close The Door - Leon Young
Nope, you have prolly never heard of him. That would be my Father!

Some People Change - Montgomery Gentry

Time Bomb - Lake

Freedom - Kenny Chesney

Kiss An Angel Good Morning - Charlie Pride
hubby is lovin this one!

Smells Like Teen Spirits- Nirvana

My List - Toby Keith

Holy Water - Big and Rich

When It Rains - Gretchen Wilson

Ghost Riders in The Sky - Johnny Cash

Dust On The Bottle - Montgomery Gentry

I Go Back

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just Another Day

Well, the weekend is over, my work is caught up and I am planning for next week.
Where does the time go? This week will not be quite as hectic, I believe we are getting things under control. We have one appointment with the Dr, to check blood pressure medications, one appointment with the Nurse Practitioner to get new scripts, and one appointment with the Community Support Person.

My little Bro now has his own primary physician, eye Dr. (yea he needed glasses), and his own goals in the community. We are really working at a fast pace here! We did get to lower one of his meds already, I believe that is a good step forward. He is hoping to be living on his own by summer, but I am a bit skeptical on that one. He is learning to cook and clean now which ,drives me crazy I am patiently trying to help him with. He still does not do well with money, but he is learning to working with a budget and realizing that he can't change his budget every time we go to Walmart! Heaven help us all if I send him alone with money!

And to join The Fairy Tale Princess in Cowboy poetry Day I would like to share this with you!

Keep in Touch

Jake, the rancher, went one day
To fix a distant fence.
The wind was cold and gusty
And the clouds rolled gray and dense.

As he pounded the last staples in
And gathered tools to go,
The temperature had fallen,
The wind and snow began to blow.

When he finally reached his pickup,
He felt a heavy heart.
From the sound of that ignition
He knew it wouldn't start.

So Jake did what most of us
Would do if we had been there.
He humbly bowed his balding head
And sent aloft a prayer.

As he turned the key for the last time,
He softly cursed his luck
They found him three days later,
Frozen stiff in that old truck.

Now Jake had been around in life
And done his share of roaming.
But when he saw Heaven, he was shocked --
It looked just like Wyoming!

Of all the saints in Heaven,
His favorite was St. Peter.

So they sat and talked a minute or two,
Or maybe it was three.
Nobody was keeping' score --
In Heaven, time is free.

'I've always heard,' Jake said to Pete,
'that God will answer prayer,
But one time I asked for help,
Well, he just plain wasn't there.'

'Does God answer prayers of some,
And ignore the prayers of others?
That don't seem exactly square --
I know all men are brothers.'

'Or does he randomly reply,
Without good rhyme or reason?
Maybe, it's the time of day,
The weather or the season.'

'Now I ain't trying to act smart,
It's just the way I feel.
And I was wondering', could you tell me --
What the heck's the deal?!'

Peter listened very patiently
And when Jake was done,
There were smiles of recognition,
And he said, 'So, you're the one!!'

That day your truck, it wouldn't start,
And you sent your prayer a flying,
You gave us all a real bad time,
With hundreds of us trying.'

'A thousand angels rushed,
To check the status of your file,
But you know, Jake, we hadn't heard
From you in quite a long while.'

'And though all prayers are answered,
And God ain't got no quota,
He didn't recognize your voice,
And started a truck in Minnesota.

Have a great week, and hopefully I will be back soon!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Am Back

Well, After a busy few weeks, I am back and actually have a few minutes to blog. What a bout? Who knows, I will figure that out in a few minutes.

I see I do have a new follower and would like to say "Welcome" as long as you play nice I am ok, but please do not expect me to blog for or about you. Nuff said.

Things are going well here with my little Bro, and he is doing great. I am making the adjustment well I think. Some days are a bit frustrating, but livable.

I have found a blogger that I must give credit to for being my blogger "idol" and you really should jump over and give Dana a look. She is very real and very down to earth. She makes me understand how a person can live so many emotions. I have been questioned in the past as to how I can be very teste and grumpy one day, say mean things and just generally not like the world and yet light candles , pray and take time to reflect upon my emotions at the end of the day. Kind of like two separate people. Well, this blogger puts those emotions into words that I could never find. She is the married woman, the sexy woman, the carefree personality, and yet the worrier that we all have in us. I envy her ability to write with such emotion.

And how about the History that we all got to share a part in yesterday? I don't care if you like the new President or not -- It is a part of history that we can give to the generations that follow us. I am glad that my children got to see this, and I hope that as a nation we will come together and support the new President as we have in the past. Time will tell if he can be true to his words.