Thursday, June 3, 2010

Guess They Have To Wait Some More......


Just checked the mail and got two checks back that we sent out last week!!!!

Seems while my dingbat, drunk ass hubby was writing out Estate checks to his sisters he forgot one little detail.
and neither of them know how to fix it themselves.......

HAHAHA.....He forgot they were fucking MARRIED.....that's right folks, he made out checks to his sisters using their MAIDEN  names!!!!!

What a Fucktard!! Seems they had a little trouble trying to deposit them without proper ID!!!!  

So while I sit here laughing my ass off, I am trying to come up with a way of holding this one over his head for a veerryyy long time!!


The Queen said...

r these the problem siblings? If so, I'm laughing too.

Granny Nanny said...

No, actually these are his two sisters!!! The step brothers are all done and forgotten!!